golf club in the bag

Holiday season has challenges for golf shops who are trying to cater to the gift giver over the phone, internet or even in person. Often times, it is a surprise gift from a loved one, especially one who does not play golf themselves. Aside from apparel and accessories, a gift certificate might be the best solution for a custom fitting operation. But for the giver, it may be impersonal and would rather have that person open something that was under the tree. Following are a few tips to make the fitting experience, or lack thereof, successful.

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Establish A List of Questions

Ask questions like if they play with right or left handed clubs. Remember, do not ask what hand they are. Why? Phil Mickelson is a natural right-handed player who plays golf left handed. If they play lefty, then the number of options you have available in the shop will be more limited. The player’s height is another question that is invaluable to determine if a standard length club(s) will suffice or not. Ask if the player is new to the game. It might tell you what level of forgiveness might be necessary from a club head design.

Additional Resources of Information

Have that person take a peek in their loved one’s golf bag. Ask if they can describe the grips. It will say the brand on the body or end cap and the coloring may tell you the exact model to which they are accustomed. Sometimes on the end cap is may indicate size as well. There will be a silkscreen on a graphite shaft or the label on a steel shaft. Get as much information as you can by having the person read what is written on them. You may not be able to match it exactly, but you should be able to come close for flex, weight, and ball flight. Knowing the club head brand and model might also be useful.

If the person is looking to give a wedge, have them look at the wedges that are in the bag and see what may be engraved on the soles. You might see there is a gap to fill the gift giver is unaware of. You have to be part creative and part sleuth to obtain as much information as possible. Perhaps, they heard the person the gift was for say,  “I wish I had a putter like such and such had in the last tournament.” If you do not know what it is off the top of your head, it should be easy to look up their “What’s in the Bag?”

For those customers that do not know enough what to ask, there is an option you can make them. If you have old boxes that might need thrown out, you can offer them one that you can put a gift certificate inside, so they have something to open. When ready, they can make an appointment with you for a fitting.