One of the most popular reasons for using a 60 degree wedge is anytime you don't have a lot of green to work with. You can pull off those incredible shots that you see the pros do Sunday’s on TV. However, it takes some practice – something the average golfer might not have the time to do.
If you have a lot of room between you and the hole should you use a 60 degree wedge? Many experts will say you are better off using a lower lofted club to chip with and let the ball roll toward the hole whether it be a mid-iron, hybrid, or putter.
But there might be other reasons to carry a 60 degree (or higher lofted) wedge in your bag that aren’t commonly discussed. For starters, if the golf course you play has postage stamp greens or well-placed bunkers that limit run up shots to the hole, then a 60 degree wedge has a place too.
Secondly, there are golfers that don’t have the fine motor skills to take a sand wedge or another lofted golf club and take a partial swing to dial down the distance. The result can be a flub, chili dip, double hit or other stroke wasting maladies that seem to carry over into the remaining holes and create a terrible round. This includes golfers who have experimented with a chipper and found it hard to control distances.
For those player’s, it might be easier to take a full swing with a higher lofted club and know it will only go so far. While a PGA professional golfer might be able to hit a 60 degree wedge from 125 yards out, the average golfer will be much less with a full swing; more in the 30-80 yard range. This is one time your mileage may vary.
Another advantage of a higher lofted wedge (60°+) is that they will have less bounce than a sand wedge and easier for most players to hit from tighter lies in the fairway. These also work for hard packed sand traps. With the additional loft, there is generally no need for you to strike the ball with an open face.
So, you can see, there are a number of reasons to consider carrying a higher lofted wedge in your bag. Take note of your strengths and weakness, especially if you play one course the most often. You may find that course conditions and your ability (or lack thereof) to take one club and create different distances will help steer your decision on whether to add a 60 degree golf club to your bag.