How To Increase Business To Your Golf Clubmaking Shop
How To Be Known as the “Go To” Clubmaker and Clubfitter Destination in Your Area (and Beyond)
Too many times I have heard from end consumers looking for a product or service (such as golf re-gripping, golf re-shafting, fitting, etc.) and have nowhere to turn. Sure there are sparse areas of the country where golfers may not get near the option of services that a golfing mecca may have to offer, but they don’t where to look in their geographic area. What they are looking for is the place to go for answers to help their game or repair a club and this is where you can help.
Look at your business from a different perspective
Don’t take it for granted, golfers who are new to the game are not going to be familiar with all the places they can seek assistance. Often times they will think of the big box retailer as their first and maybe only choice. While that may be an option for basic services, they have no idea they can get more personalized service elsewhere. For example, their local golf course might seem like a no-brainer. However, many of them no longer offer services and farm it out to a local independent clubmaker. To be brutally honest, most end consumers I speak to have entirely no idea there is a network of these independent golf clubmaking shops who may be in their own backyard or where to look to find them once I explain it to them.
Raise your voice to a larger audience
I am certain there are hundreds if not thousands of our customers who may be looking for more business in their locale. No, I don’t want to establish a clubmaker’s dot com to match potential customers to shops, rather look at how you advertise or get the word of mouth going that you are the place to go in your area for quality work at a fair price and timely turnaround. If you are in a rural area with a limited population, how do you go about expanding to the next town (or towns) who don’t have experts to do the type of work you do?
Don’t just chase the better golfer / customer
Don’t forget the golfers that need the most help are the one beginning in this great game. We need to get them into equipment they will have a fighting chance to keep playing the game before they decide to call it quits because the game is frankly difficult. Sure, there is a pyramid of influence if your shop can do the work for the best golfers in the area, but remember those types of golfer are limited. The pyramid of influence also works from the ground up. If you can help a beginning golfer get the “bug”, they are in turn going to tell other fellow beginners or players that are in a similar situation. That will grow your business and help to spread the word of what your shop is all about for years to come.