Gripping with a Safer Golf Grip Solvent
Since the 1950s when Golf Pride created the first slip-on grips, clubmakers have used a myriad of solvents to lubricate double-sided tape to assist in installation. Some of these solvents as we would find out years later were not so healthy like trichloroethylene and perchloroethylene which are known to be carcinogens. In other cases clubmakers used solvents that were smelly and highly flammable such as gasoline, kerosene and lighter fluid. I am glad those days are over or hope clubmakers are not still using any of these because now clubmakers have access to safer gripping solvents like the ones supplied to them by Hireko and other component distributors.
Not all solvents are recommended for all applications. There are still customers who still refuse to use the golf club specific solvents available to them by the components companies and opt to use solvents they can find at their local paint or hardware store. However that is their option. They may use odorless mineral spirits, naphtha or Varsol (if they live in Canada – eh). Others may use paint thinners (and no, it is not the exact same thing as mineral spirits) and wonder why the paint or paint fill on the grip suddenly is marred on the surface.
Last week I received an email from a customer asking why the Pure Grips he installed with a “solvent” purchased from another component company suddenly removed the paint on the outer surface of the grip. Since it was not a product we have used or sold, we had to investigate. It turns out this “organic” solvent – sounds like it is harmless – was similar to their paint base, so it acted like paint remover. So if you use organic solvents on Pure Grips, be careful not to rub the paint. There is no telling if this type of solvent could be harmful to other grip manufacturers’ colored grips as well.
Of course if you are looking for a safer alternative you always have the option of installing grips with air if your shop is equipped with an air compressor or using water reactivated tape with either soap and water or straight glass cleaners as the liquid lubricant.
Related links:
What Is the Best Golf Grip Tape for My Shop?