Monthly Archives: August 2021
- August 25, 2021
Pros and Cons of sanding a graphite shaft to fit a taper tip hosel
From time to time, I get the question from a clubmaker or hobbyist if it is alright to sand down the tip of a 0.370" parallel tip graphite shaft to fit into a 0.355" taper tip iron or wedge. Before I answer the question and show what the pros and cons are, I first must mention the liability issue. Anything you build or repair, you are liable for what happens. Therefore, it is always the best practice to put in the shaft size that corresponds to the inside hosel diameter.
Why would you need to sand the shaft?
The number 1 reason why clubmakers ask is due to the lack of taper tip graphite iron shaft offerings. Of the models that are available also tend to be on the more expensive side and likely a special order, requiring additional time to fix or retrofit a customer's club.
- August 03, 2021
Save Money on Golf Balls
Let's face it, golf balls can be expensive, especially if you are a beginner or don't play often where you tend to lose balls that happen to find water hazards or eek out of bounds beyond arms or club length. Premium balls cost $4 each at retail, while economy balls run close to $2 apiece so if you lose a sleeve or more per round, that adds up quickly over time.
Why do you never see a pro or their caddie using a golf ball retriever when you watch golf on TV? For one, these players are really, really good and seldom do they lose a ball. More importantly, they get their balls for free! If us mere mortals were as fortunate it would make this one accessory obsolete. That is why a golf ball retriever can be a great addition to your bag and pay for itself several times over. So, what are the features to look for?