What's New?
We are excited to announce the launch of our new website, which is now live. This is just not a refresh of our old site you were familiar with, but a brand-new platform to make it easier to navigate, shop and find important information. What is new?
Improved navigation
The left-hand navigation panel will have more filters to find things more quickly. While you always have been able to sort for thinks like brand or item type, we expanded the filters to include things like shaft weight range, ferrule height, tee height, etc. We made the color filter visual so you can quickly see the color option available and other attributes for each product immediately. Lastly, we consolidated items, so you have less pages to sort through.
Quick Order
Located in the upper right of the website is a new feature called Quick Order. This allows customers who frequently order from us and familiar with our product codes the ability to input the SKU followed by a comma and then the quantity they want instead of going to each product page and ordering from there. If you have an entire list ready, simply copy and paste into the Multiple SKU box and click Add to List. It is that simple - and quick too!
Important Information
Our knowledge section is now tucked under the Golf Components > Technical. This is where you will find all our technical articles on golf clubmaking, fitting and repair, trimming instructions and the interactive on-line calculators mentioned before. We also brought our blog back to update readers on the latest developments, sales and products from Hireko Golf. These are just some of the things we have done to make your experience more enjoyable when you visit our site.
For any suggestions, feedback, comments or questions, please contact us.